Before/ After

Before/ After

Tools required: Drill, Wood cutter, Cutting table, Stapler, Tape measure, Scissors
Shopping list:
- Wood planks
- Wood corners
- Waterproof sheet/ plastic bags
- Black protective sheet
- Screw corner joints
- Screws
- Soil
- Tape
To do list:
- Measure and cut 4 wooden wood planks to the right size to create a frame. We used old plywood.)

2. Cover the planks with waterproof sheet. We used old reusable Tesco bags we cut and wrap using a tape).

3. Cover the plans with a protective black sheet.

4. Put the frame together using screw corner joints. We have also drilled in a piece of wood into every corner to make the frame even stronger. Insert black protective sheet to the bottom. This will help to keep the soil together and move the bed in the future.

5. (Optional) Add nice planks of wood to outside frame. We have found a couple of pieces of decking wood.
Add soil, decide what you want plant and wait for a nice weather. 🙂

Tips: Recommendations of what to plant in a small raised bed: lettuce, spinach, kale, onion, garlic, tomato, chilli…
Forget root vegetables and potatoes (need a lot of space).