3 Useful Tips when restoring your Fireplace

Bring your house to life with a traditional wood burning stove. It was on the top of our “must have” list in the new place and one of the first purchases we made. Why? Firstly, it keeps you warm in cold months, especially if you are doing major work on your house during this time. Secondly, there is nothing better than to sit by the fire with your family, glass of wine and relax after busy day! I remember many long nights where the wood burner helped us get through when the central heating wasn’t working. We absolutely love it!

Difficulty: MEDIUM



Shopping list:

  • wood burning stove (£950)
  • sanding paper
  • wood paint for the frame
  • small paint for inside
  • brushes
  • masking tape

Estimated material cost: £1000

Labour: £1600

To do list:

  1. Find certified company to install your stove. They will do the necessary checks that your chimney is clear and should also help with the correct wood burning stove selection.
  2. Select the right wood burning stove for your size and budget.
  3. Paint inside walls and outside frame. I went for a terracotta colour for inside to give the overall fire place a welcoming, warm feeling. The surround was painted with a bright gloss white wood paint to make the red colour stand out even more and give it a nice, clean contrast. A white frame will always look good with any wall paint you choose later.


We reused the existing wooden frame and marble flooring. The frame had a beautiful wooden carving ornaments and having them both in good condition, they look fine and restoring save us extra money.

Accessories will add the wow factor! You will need a fireside cleaning set (£25), ash bucket (£5) and a big basket for wood (£20). All these items can be bought from most home stores, but I always find it is best to look around charity shops or even better, car boot sales. These items gave a real authentic look, as well as saving a few pounds, if you have the time.

Buying small bags of wood from a garden centre can be expensive. Research your local wood supplier as they sell it a lot cheaper and can often deliver directly. You can even visit your nearby recycling centre, because people often throwing away good wood! But remember, fresh wood will need to dry before you use it.

Never use chemically treated wood in your wood burning stove. This is damaging your wood burner and the environment!



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