Easy DIY Garden Raised Beds Built from Pallets and Decking Wood

The next stage after building the open fire pit, seating benches and the actual decking area was to create raised beds alongside the back fence. Not only we wanted to add some greenery to the whole project, but we also needed to cover the ugly, unused “hill” with several tree trunks which was impossible to take out and level the ground.

Steve really wanted to cover the area with raised beds. They look great and you can plant in them anything you want. Plants also grow a lot better here being protected with borders from insects and animals. The idea was to build a structure wall from an old pallet and line decking wood on the front and top to match the surrounding structure.

Difficulty: MEDIUM



Tools required*: Scissors, drill, leveling spirit, cutting table, miter saw, tape measure, garden trowel, garden fork

Shopping list:

  • Gloves
  • Old pallets
  • Decking wood
  • Decking stain
  • Paint brush
  • Decking screws
  • Weed control membrane
  • Plants (tree, shrubs, herbs, vegetables, flowers) £60


Project cost: up to £100

*excluding tools

To do list:

  1. Cut one pallet into three pieces. Attach them to the back of the raised poles (we kept long while building decking) at the end of the decking area to create a wall support structure.

2. Cover it with the black weed control membrane. The purpose of this is not just to protect it against the weed, but also hold the compost we put into the raised bed. Cut the front.

3. Apply decking wood to the front of the pallets to create a nice front wall. We also added one plank to the top to close it off like a box.

4. The same way we built a raised pot between benches and the decking area.

5. Paint wood with the decking stain.

6. Fill the raised beds with compost and spread it evenly with a garden fork.

7. Time to fill raised beds with flowers, vegetables, small shrubs and herbs. We planted a small Japanese maple tree in the middle pot as a feature. This tree is looking good al year around and grows slowly.

Posts created 34

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